St. George Terroir Gin 200ml
St. George Terroir Gin 200ml
Terroir. n The complete natural environment in which a particular wine is produced, including factors such as the soil, topography, and climate. The characteristic taste and flavour imparted to a wine by the environment in which it is produced.
St George’s Terroir Gin is not necessarily about the soil and climate and how it affects the flavor of gin as much as it is a celebration of that which paints an evocative picture of place. Anyone who has traveled the West Coast Pacific Highway in California and marveled at the verdant seas of Redwood and Douglas Firs, has experiences the inspiration which the distillers at St. George Spirits have seemingly captured in this gin.
The signature fir and sage are distilled separately in a smaller still, while the remaining botanicals are distilled via gin basket. Interestingly enough, the St George’s Terroir Gin also features a special spin on coriander in that the team roasts it before distillation. Overall, the result is an impressive gin which genuinely transports anyone who takes a sip.
Pine buds, spruce, fir and pine cones greet the nose. It’s immediately evocative. The forest seemingly is literally sitting in your glass. Absolutely brilliant.
The palate is rife with more of the same, but with more specific flavors recognizable. Sage and bay leaves early, the sage meshes with resiny juniper, fir needles and becomes slightly more minty and cool tasting as the taste progresses. It tastes thick and rich, with nearly every manner of conifer combining at once. However, where I think it really shines is towards the finish where the sage retreats a bit and you get coriander and delicate spice. There’s a slight hint of lemon and citrus as well.
The finish is cool and moderately long, with minty cool sage. Very smooth and extremely easy to drink on its own.